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* Welcome to TECFA's technical Toolbox.
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We keep software in our FTP (probably outdated).
w3Schools * TheWebCowboy * Elsop Webmaster Resource Center * O'Reilly Network * Webreference.com * The WEB Developer's Virtual Library * DaveCentral * Webreview.com * DevSearch (Search for WebBuilders) * Hotwired's Webmonkey * Kira's WebToolbox * CNET Builder.com * ArticleCentral.com * CGI Resource Index * HotScripts * Internet Related Technologies *
WebDevelopeur.com * Le Webmaster français * All HTML - Une autre vision du HTML * Aide Webmaster * Annuaire de WebMaster * Cellule Veille et Internet / Epita
Toolbox material is mainly preparred for Staf-10, Staf-14, Staf-18 & Staf-2x Courses
Associated teaching materials (in french) are in TIE.
Various Les ressources complémentaires et/ou alternatives de François@TECFA * Virtual Computer Library * Cours Internet de Bertrand Ibrahim (CUI) * CMC Information Sources * EFF's Guide (1994!) * tite présentation du Ouaibe (niveau débutant) * History of the Internet * webhistory.org
Standards The Internet Engineering Task Force * W3C - World Wide Web Consortium (see technical reports and other publications ) * ECMA - Standardizing Information and Communication Systems * webstandards.org (lobby for respect of standards) * MyFileFormats.com * Document Interchange Standards * S. Champeon's RTFM: A Guide to Online Research discusses the major players and standards.
